Friday, 18 October 2013

Taking Care of Your Puppy: 5 Things to Remember

Taking Care of Your Puppy: 5 Things to Remember. A new little puppy can be a really cute addition to the family. But, just like caring for a baby, it comes with responsibilities. Taking care of your puppy is of utmost importance as a pet owner. And, to do it properly, you need to know some basic facts. So, here are five things to remember to nurture a happy, healthy puppy:

1. Puppy Space

Bed for dog | Bed for puppy
Just like any member of a family, your puppy should have a place that’s hers, and hers alone. It should be a place where she can feel safe and be comfortable. This place will be her sanctuary… a place to sleep, rest and relax. So, make sure it includes a nice, comfy bed.
Just remember that she’s just a puppy. Like a child, she’s very curious, and will play with just about anything she sees. Make sure there’s nothing around that can harm her. Keep toys around to keep her busy when she’s all alone. Bored little puppies tend to get into a lot of trouble, destroying things, whining and crying.

2. Good Hygiene

Dog Hygiene | Puppy health

Your puppy is your baby. That’s why his hygiene is your responsibility. Having fresh breath, clean coat, nails, paws, ears and eyes all go along with healthy living. A dirty puppy carries germs that could lead to diseases if his hygiene isn’t maintained. Not only does clean hygiene lead to a healthier household, your puppy will feel better about himself as a family member.

3.Healthy Eating

Always feed your puppy food specifically made for puppies… not adult dogs. Just like children, all puppies need balanced diets to keep up the energy they need to simply be kids. The following are some foods you can feed your puppy if you choose homemade foods (check with your local vet). They are also tasty commercial-brand dog food flavors puppies seem to like:
Chicken Heart , Chicken
Boiled Rice
Milk (especially good for puppies weaned too soon)

4. Rabies Prevention

Rabies Prevention

Of all the illnesses animals can contract, rabies is one of the most serious. And, it’s very easily spread, once one local animal is infected. This is because it’s transmitted through saliva. The only way to protect your puppy is to get your baby vaccinated against rabies. Your local veterinarian will help you set up a rabies vaccination schedule.

5. Vaccinations

Puppy Vaccination
Puppies, just like children, must be vaccinated in order to protect them from dangerous diseases. When newborn puppies nurse, the mothers’ milk provides some protection, even more if the mother’s been vaccinated. This is one reason why puppies who are weaned too soon really need regular vaccinations. Your local vet will be more than happy to help you set a regular vaccination program for your puppy.

Taking care of your puppy proper means raising a happy, healthy dog someday. But, with that comes responsibilities. Found valuable puppy care tips from


  1. I think that keeping your dog's teeth clean is especially important because if you don't keep them clean on a regular basis, they can possibly get infected with gingivitis. We usually like to brush our dog's teeth every three weeks or so so she can have a clean feeling in her mouth as much as possible. Another tip to keep in mind is to consider dog insurance for your pet because if anything should happen to them, you will want to be covered for any treatments that they may need.

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  4. Great post! Just want to add something regarding on it. It is also important to have your puppy into a walk because it will eventually keep your puppy closer to you aside from doing it as an exercise. I have a beagle and I always make sure that we have a time to walk and he really loves it

  5. Taking care of our puppy is very important, because they are also part of our family. They also need lots of attention and regular care to them happy.

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  6. Vaccinations are really important

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